Nora Schuurman: Keynote lecture Exploring stories of interspecies encounters, care practices and nonhuman subjectivity. The Seminar for Human–Animal Studies, Finland (online), 9 December 2020.
Nora Schuurman: Companions looking for a forever home: Portraying rescue dogs online. ISAZ 2020 Conference, Liverpool (online), 4 September 2020.
Nora Schuurman & Taina Syrjämaa: Cats and Dogs as Family Members: Practices of Multispecies Domesticity in Finland since the late 19th Century. Animals and the Home Conference, London, 1 May 2019.
Nora Schuurman: Poliisihevoset sosiaalisessa mediassa: hevosen toimijuus ja lajienvälinen hoiva. Eläintutkimuspäivät, Helsinki, 8.-9.4.2019.